“How can materiality enhance the end/user audience experience?”

At the beginning of this project, we were given a choice of choosing 1 question out of 5 and by “choosing” I mean picking a question out of a box and thus I ended up with the question of “How can materiality enhance the end/user audience experience?”. My initial reaction towards the question was “I don’t get it. Was I suppose to have an answer to this like I’m in an exam? What is the meaning of this question?”

After re-reading the question over and over again, I decided to use a mind-map (like any normal human being does) and brainstorm the question. They said there were “no right answers” so I was just started “spitballing” some ideas.

I started out by picking the words out (materiality and user) and started exploring those ideas by looking at the definition. I also thought about how I could re-word the question so that I could understand it better but I think I made it worse for myself by thinking about consumerism and the idea behind it. I thought about materiality and linked it to materials which led me to think about products, art and fabrics (“looking at it from a fashion and textiles point of view”).

In all honesty, looking at it from a “fashion point of view” and thinking about fabrics and the sense of touch (because we have to touch the fabrics, otherwise how are you going to know its the right one?) was not very helpful because it felt like I was “playing it safe”. I wasn’t thinking more about the question and the different outcomes it could have. So, I will continue to embark on this journey of research by searching for different results because there are no right answer.


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